
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

"Why Can't I Feel God?"

"Why don't I feel God?"

Have you ever asked yourself this? I know I have, and definitely more than once. I've gone through seasons that many would call "spiritually dry seasons." But here's the thing with that phrase, to me, it sounds as though it's just "one of those things that we can't help" or one of those things that "will pass eventually." But really, from what I've experienced, it's solely in our control to decide whether or not we will reside in one of those "seasons." 

I found myself constantly thinking "God why don't I feel close to you right now, why was I so on fire for You a few months ago and not now, where did the passion go?" I went to my mentor and asked her about it, and eventually I kind of just accepted it. But I realized how stubborn I was because that entire time that I struggled, I rarely opened my bible, or prayed. It was like that feeling of weakened connection in my relationship with God made me talk to Him less because I felt like even if I prayed it wouldn't help. 

But now I look back and see how tragically blind I was. My relationship with God is similar to any relationship. How can any form of relationship progress and become stronger if communication is lacking? On an average day, I talk to my best friend for at least a few hours, whether it be when we're hanging out or over text. Yet, when I felt my connection with God becoming weak, I failed to even spend 20 minutes with Him a day. 20 minutes! Yet, I could go on my phone and 20 minutes would fly by without me even noticing. 

It's funny to me how sometimes we expect our relationship with God to stay strong without tending to it. But here's another thing, we have the holy spirit within us. 1 Corinthians 3:16 "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?" We literally have God's spirit in us, and yet we still think we can be disconnected from God. You can't be disconnected with something that is within your soul. Whenever I'm feeling as though I can't "feel" God, that simple truth completely grounds me and almost makes me laugh, as to how mistaken I was to think I was actually disconnected from something that is within my being. 

I've realized that the lack of "feeling" God, was all in my head and it was mostly related to distractions. The more time my attention was with technology, Netflix (oh man, my biggest weakness!), and other worldly things, the less time my attention was with God. So lately, when I realize I'm spending more time on Instagram than I am with my Savior, I just turn of off my phone and as of right now, open to John. Jesus left us a 1,189 chapter love story that He is begging us to read full of love letters to us. If you ever find yourself asking "Why can't I feel God?" I encourage you to go read one (or many!) of His love letters to us.  

Lastly, talk to your God. If you don't feel connected in a relationship with your parents, or friend, what would you do? I'm guessing you'd probably talk to that person about it. So that's exactly what we should do with God. Talk to him about how you're feeling. If anyone could solve a problem, there's no doubt God would do it the best way possible! Lastly just remember one thing, even when we don't "feel" Him, He's still there, waiting for us to realize our silliness. He loves us so much that we can't even fathom exactly how much because it's beyond our ability to understand a love like it. So in these "spiritually dry seasons" (that are actually totally in our control and we decide how long they will go on for) be on the lookout for all of the ways God says "I love you!" I send this with a prayer that you meet God in your feeling of disconnection and that you are assured of His overwhelming love for you.

So my friends, I leave you with Psalm 63:1-5:

You, God, are my God,
    earnestly I seek you;
I thirst for you,
    my whole being longs for you,
in a dry and parched land
    where there is no water.
I have seen you in the sanctuary
    and beheld your power and your glory.
Because your love is better than life,
    my lips will glorify you.
I will praise you as long as I live,
    and in your name I will lift up my hands.
I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods;
    with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

Thank you for reading!


  1. *waves*
    very cool! I encourage you to carry this in your years to come! It becomes more difficult, you reap what you sow! Theres so much to know about Him but he never changes! Keep going!!!
